Police Information Check 


One of the tools SEERA Hockey can use to ensure the safety of our children is to require a Police Information Check(PIC)  of any adult who plans to be a part of the training or coaching staff of one of our teams this season. It is mandatory and no individual will be assigned to a team unless an application is completed.  All persons interested in helping as trainers or assistant coaches must also submit an application.  It is the responability the Coaching Staff to reach out to the Administrator to request an application.

The results of a Police Information Check are only disclosed to the applicant.  A Police Information Check only provides the information required for a volunteer organization to make an informed decision regarding the suitability of an applicant and should not be the only factor accounted for when considering an applicant for volunteer purposes.

  • Must be 18 years or older to submit an application
  • Application has to be done through the SEERA Hockey Program
  • Police checks are valid for 3 years
  • There is no cost associated with the application
  • Millwood's Hockey  does not keep copies of Police Checks received on file. It is recommended that you print/save a copy for your future reference

What is a PIC - Police Information Check  performed by the City of Edmonton Police Service


Process For Application :
The City of Edmonton Police Service has implemented an online police information check system which allows for a PIC application without having to visit a police station (in most cases).
For more detailed information concerning the Police Information Check process, please visit the Edmonton Police Service website under Police Information Checks


Receive An Attend Letter: After a successfully submitted PIC application, some individuals may receive an "attend" letter before they receive their results. This letter requests you to make a follow up appointment with the Edmonton Police Information Check Unit. More details about this can be found under "Receive An Attend Letter?".


Revelant Offences:
A PIC that indicates any Relevant Offence as outlined below will go to the MWHA Screening by the Administrator for approval.  A Relevant Offence is any of the following offences:

  1. If imposed in the last five years:
    1. Any criminal violation/offence involving the use of a motor vehicle, including but not limited to impaired driving;
    2. Any violation/offence for trafficking and/or possession of drugs and/or narcotics; or
    3. Any violation/offence involving conduct against public morals;
  2. If imposed in the last 10 years:
    1. Any violation/offence of violence including but not limited to, all forms of assault; or
    2. Any violation/offence involving a minor or minors.
  3. If imposed at any time:
    1. Any violation/offence involving the possession, distribution or sale of any child-related pornography;
    2. Any sexual violation/offence involving a minor or minors; or
    3. Any violation/offence involving theft or fraud.


Received a Letter to Attend

Some individuals may receive an "attend" letter requesting you to make a follow up appointment with the Edmonton Police Information Check Unit. This may be related to:

  • submission of fingerprints to confirm or eliminate a criminal record associated to an applicants information
  • submission of fingerprints for the Vulnerable Sector search to confirm or eliminate a pardon associated to applicants’ information. Please see the RCMP website for more information:
  • to deal with outstanding warrant(s) on the National Police Computer System
  • disclosure of police related relevant occurrence report(s)
  • Failure to submit a self-declaration form if you have existing criminal conviction(s)


Note :

Millwood's Hockey does not retain a copy of  individual Police Check Results. It is recommned the applicant save the PDF file for thier records.